- To promote a variety of labyrinth opportunities throughout Manitoba.
- To provide labyrinth information for individuals _ groups throughout
- To develop and promote opportunities for labyrinth learning, sharing,
connecting, cooperating and mentoring.
The Labyrinth
A Labyrinth is a walking pattern with one pathway that changes
direction in relationship to the centre as it leads you to the middle.
The same pathway spirals you back outward to share what you have
learned with the world. Walking a Labyrinth can be a relaxing, meditative,
healing, connecting, spiritual experience. |
Design Consultants for the Manitoba
Labyrinth Network
Garth Fallis, Vector Construction Group
Rudy P. Friesen, Friesen Tokar Architects
Anne Nesbitt, Labyrinth Designer

Forest Lakeshore Labyrinth
Belair, Manitoba
Anne Nesbitt
Portable Labyrinths
We have two 10' x 10'- 3 circuit classical labyrinths , one 18'
x 18' - 7 circuit classical labyrinth _ one 25' x 25' - 11 circuit
medieval Labyrinth available for workshops at your location.
For information contact
us: |


Labyrinth Booklets:
Energy of the Labyrinth - $5.00
The Labyrinth and Tai Chi - $5.00
Making Your Own Labyrinth
The Easy Way - $5.00
[plus postage _ handling if required]
to order click here:
We would like to thank the following people for their
help in creating this website:
Rose-Anne Nesbitt - Community Access Program
Pat Hurlburt
Richard Denesiuk - Creative Retirement Manitoba
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