Carol Shields Memorial Labyrinth
Site and Design
The Carol Shields Memorial Labyrinth
Architectural Rendering

a. existing pond
b. north reading circle |
c. west reading circle
d. quote wall |
e. centre circle
f. herb/healing garden
g. east reading circle
h. existing path
i. south reading circle |
Quote Walls
The quote walls are a unique component of The
Carol Shields Memorial Labyrinth. No other labyrinth in the
world has an entry way designated in this manner.
The two Quote Walls feature engraved granite tiles of different
textures which display a myriad of quotes from Carol Shields’
works. Anyone entering the labyrinth passes through Carol’s
words. This physically signifies the escape from daily life
and the entrance into story, myth and imagination through sight,
touch and experience. |
The Carol Shields Memorial Labyrinth
¤ an outdoor garden labyrinth, commemorating renowned
author Carol Shields who is Manitoba’s only Pulitzer prize-winning
¤ The Carol Shields Memorial Labyrinth is
in King’s Park, Winnipeg.
¤ This garden walkway creates opportunities for people of
all ages to enjoy a peaceful, relaxing, natural surrounding, while
participating in moderate physical activity.
Wheel Chair Accessibility
¤ The labyrinth
is approximately 150' by 150' so that two wheelchairs can pass each
other on the pathways. ¤
The pathways are crushed gravel similar to the ones in Assiniboine
Park which are suitable for wheelchairs. ¤
This is the only wheelchair accessible outdoor labyrinth in Canada
and probably North America. |
¤ Snow plowable
• The pathways are 5 feet wide so that it will be snow plowable
to allow public access in the winter. • There is no other
outdoor snow plowable labyrinth in Canada and probably North America. |
¤ Gardens
• The narrower gardens are low maintenance grasses. •
The wider gardens are small, low maintenance perennials, wild flowers
and shrubs. ¤ Commemorative
Center • The commemorative center is approximately
30 feet by 30 feet to provide a gathering place for community groups.
To accommodate group activities, we have created a large centre. However,
to create a more intimate feeling there is a low garden in the centre
area so that a large group can gather in the central core area and
around the garden. Individual walkers will find a more intimate experience
in the core. |
¤ Meditative/Healing
Garden • There is a meditative/healing
garden where people can sit, relax, visualize, meditate and heal.
¤ Climbing Rocks
• There are rocks for children to climb on. |
¤ Themes
• The stone, flowers and labyrinth design reflect the themes
of Carol’s books.
• Reading is an integral theme of this labyrinth. Theperipheral
reading circles will have reader friendly benches and will provide
a more private experience. |
¤ One of our considerations in the design of
the labyrinth was that it would reflect the prairie landscape.
¤ The design, scale and commemoration will attract tourists
from all over the world. |
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